Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Officially Approved Today

Today I called Hop and she said i was approved by the insurance company. I find out tomorrow how much it will cost.??!?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Journey of all Journey's 2011

8/2/11- Started ribavarin yesterday with hopes of starting triple therapy on Friday. Been feeling extra tired this year and my viral load is up to 11 million and change. The new drug Incivek came out in June and people have been getting good results so far.

I'm 57 yrs. old and in good health so I feel this is the time to fight this battle. I will have to fight it at some time so it might as well be now.

I've had Hep C for a long time probably over 30 yrs. I was diagnosed about 25 yrs ago after a blood test for an insurance policy. I've worked hard and played hard and have had 3 beautiful healthy kids since then and I have had a great life with my best person in the world Diana. She is my better half for sure. I know she will be my "nurse Betty" during this treatment. I couldn't imagine doing something like this without her helping and encouraging me. We've been through a lot together. This is one more thing to add to our list.

My doctor is Donna Finelli. The best way to describe her is that she is a giver. I trust her 100% and I consider myself lucky to have her treating me. She also treats my friend Greg and he is doing well under her care.

The only possible snag might be my insurance coverage. The drugs are very expensive and they don't cover most of it. I will find out more tomorrow.

My mental outlook is generally good and positive. Although yesterday i had a queasy stoomach all day after taking the riba. Maybe it was just a coinkudink. We'll find out today. I'm taking the first batch for today right after I type this.

I'm going to try and document this whole deal on here. Let's see how it goes.